Building Business Cases to Decarbonise 

The Journey to Zero Carbon - How Peak Earth can help your business 

There are 6 core areas that we can help with, from Strategy and Innovation, Funding and Negotiation, through to Performance and the compilation of Clear Information. 


We'll help you to work out where you are, where you need to get to (hint: the answer is zero) and how to get there. 

Low carbon project development 


Create your low carbon products - You are heading into a brave new world and adapting rapidly to stay relevant. You want to be sure that your new products are fit for this world and commercially viable. We are embedded in the Centre for Digital Innovation. We live and breathe innovation and we were born for this new world of ours. We'll make sure that your developments are as fresh as you need them to be and that they are priced right too. 

Obtain Cash 

Grants, Loans and Equity - You need to convince the funders that your product is a winner. We'll do the financial modelling, risk analysis and write you a business case that's hard to say no to. In the current economic climate, there are plenty of people looking for safe places to put their money and a lot of government funding up for grabs too. 


Big projects come with big negotiations - You need to manage your long term risks by negotiating well up front. We have negotiated some hefty energy service contracts with some pretty wily folk. We love to be at the sharp end of deal making. With the right risk analysis, we can guide you on where to concede and where to stand firm. 

Operational Performance 

Efficiency is an important part of the journey to zero carbon. If you run a slick ship, you can free up resource for new low carbon projects. 

Slick Ship 

Be better at what you do - You need good visibility on the performance of your project and the cash. You are in luck. We have some great management finance skills. We can help you with business partnering, commercial finance, forecasts, KPIs and dashboards - bringing the finances of your project to life. In fact, with some of the talent that we have in our network, we could quite literally create an all singing and dancing budget for you. 


Turn chores into pleasure - Your time gets sucked into comprehending spreadsheets and your head begins to fizzle. This is a common problem, and one that we will be delighted to help with. We have some spreadsheet geeks amongst us who would take a delight in turning your spreadsheets into beautiful pieces of work that are far easier for you to understand. It will save your company hours of spreadsheet head burn. We can train up your team for you as well, ensuring spreadsheet delight for years to come.